article in Tech
Office applications and programming
Microsoft office and I have had a long time relationship. There are times when I really love it, and other times I want to throw it out the window never to be seen again.... It is the most feature rich and powerful Office application around however. :)
In Office 2007, you can create ribbon extensions for application/document wide customization.
In Office 2003, you had things like the task pane, but it was document level.
System.IO.Packaging - good for working with 2007 docx files.
Viewing Word files at the command line
What You Need To Know About Using Office As A Development Platform
Visual Studio Tools for Office - MSDN Forums
CodeProject: Office 2007 Competition. Free source code and programming articles
CodeProject: Office 2007 Competition Discussions. Free source code and programming articles
Office is an old and large beast. It has many features and people love it. I've had experience programming with all the versions of Office from 98 and above. Office and IE forced me to learn COM in all its spender. Now a days, you've got managed apis which make things much simpler. However, you've still gotta deal with the primary interop assemblies(pia). I'm interested to see how MS does the x64 port of Office...
Download details: Office 2003 Update: Redistributable Primary Interop Assemblies
Installing and Using the Office 2003 Primary Interop Assemblies
Download details: VSTO Power Tools v1.0.0.0
Office Apps: Extend Your VBA Code With VSTO
Registry Entries for Application-Level Add-Ins
VSTO: Build Office-Based Solutions Using WPF, WCF, And LINQ
VSTO Blogs
Visual Studio 2008: Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office
Paul Stubbs - VSTO for Mere Mortals and more
Mike Hernandez Blog
John R. Durant's WebLog
Misha Shneerson
Andrew Whitechapel
Office Zealot
Research projects coming from MS, (search for commands instead of using the ribbon?)
Microsoft Office Labs
Excel programming
linqtoexcel - Use LINQ to retrieve data from spreadsheets. - Google Project Hosting - Use LINQ to retrieve data from spreadsheets.
Excel-DNA | Free and easy .NET for Excel - Excel-DNA - Home - Install-Package Excel-DNA Excel-DNA is an independent project to integrate .NET into Excel. With Excel-DNA you can make native (.xll) add-ins for Excel using C#, Visual Basic.NET or F#, providing high-performance user-defined functions (UDFs), custom ribbon interfaces and more. Your entire add-in can be packed into a single .xll file requiring no installation or registration.
spreadgit/excel-helpers - Minimalistic Excel-DNA demo.
spreadgit/XLfacebook - Add-In to retrieve Facebook analytics in Excel. Uses Excel-DNA and is written in C#.
Excel xll add-in library - Home - creating xll add-ins for Excel from 97 through 2013. C/C++
xll add-in library | High performance add-ins for Excel - xll add-in library blog.
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel is dead. Long live Excel::Writer::XLSX. - Perlbuzz Excel::Writer::XLSX website Excel::Writer::XLSX -
How to write excel file with special characters through Perl script? - Stack Overflow - Encode::_utf8_on($str)
brymck/finansu - Live, streaming web import financial data.
windweller/postgresql-excel-addIn - PostgreSQL Excel Add-In that provides GUI for data import to Excel worksheet. Retrieve tables within one database,Retrieve specific columns in a table,Search for exact match of rows,Fuzzy search,Custom SQL execution
An Excel Addin to work with Unicode CSV files « Jaimon's Blog Excel treat .csv files as text files and will replace all Unicode characters with “?” when saved normally. If you want to preserve the Unicode characters, you would need to save the file as “Unicode text (*.txt)”, which is a Tab delimited file. preserve Unicode characters in CSV format. jaimonmathew/Unicode-CSV-Addin
Created: 2006-10-03 15:08:29
Modified: 2014-07-19 02:44:32