"hello world"
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The ICO image format is universally understood. Usually multi-resolution, providing a single file with multiple representations for different viewing requirements. 16x16,32x32,48x48,etc

Microsoft Icon Guidance

Icons - Icons are pictorial representations of objects, important not only for aesthetic reasons as part of the visual identity of a program, but also for utilitarian reasons as shorthand for conveying meaning that users perceive almost instantaneously.
Standard Icons - guidance on icon size, error, warning, information, and question icons.

What size ico file should I make

Depends on your application. :-p
Which icon sizes should my Windows application's icon include? - Stack Overflow

Windows XP:

Windows 7:

Windows Runtime: (from here)

Using ImageMagick convert, convert a square png to a multi-resolution ico

icons - How to make/get a multi size .ico file? - Stack Overflow
ImageMagick: Convert, Edit, Or Compose Bitmap Images - Thumbnails -- IM v6 Examples
convert square_source.png  -bordercolor white -border 0 ( -clone 0 -resize 16x16 ) ( -clone 0 -resize 32x32 ) ( -clone 0 -resize 48x48 ) ( -clone 0 -resize 64x64 ) -delete 0 -alpha off -colors 256 favicon.ico
Created: 2013-09-02 03:03:22 Modified: 2013-09-02 03:27:41
/root sections/
>peach custard pie
>random tech

moon and stars

My brain

Visible Dave Project

\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & \vdots \\ \vdots & 0 & \ddots & 0\\ 0 & \ldots & 0 & 1_{n} \end{bmatrix}