article in Tech
VTK - The Visualization ToolKit
MIDAS Journal - Home - Open Access on-line publication covering different domains from Visualization to Image processing.
The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source library for visualization. It is written in C++ and has binding for other languages to provide scripting capabilities (Tcl/Tk, Java, and Python).
CMake - Cross Platform Make - if you're compiling on windows, cmake is the way to go....I actually like cmake...
The MayaVi Data Visualizer - Python GUI interface to VTK.
vtk is still being served from cvs, use anonymous and vtk as the password.
trunk - cvs -d
sample data - cvs -d
User:Davehorner - KitwarePublic - my home on vtk wiki
Web resources
Rasmus Paulsen's VTK Stuff
PyVTK Â Tools for manipulating VTK files in Python
vtkCNMRRLibrary 1.0.3 Documentation
VisTrails - a VTK/python viz. workflow system. - VTK tutorial
Introduction to Programming in VTK
Application Development in VTK
Using VTK Through Python
Adding Classes to VTK
Introduction to Programming for Image Analysis with VTK
Welcome to tvtk’s documentation! - TVTK objects wrap around VTK objects but additionally support traits, and provide a convenient Pythonic API.
fink selfupdate
fink install ant
ant-junit junit
svn co Dart.trunk
cd Dart.trunk
ant all
ParaView - Parallel Visualization Application
ParaView/Users Guide/Table Of Contents - KitwarePublic
Scientific Visualization
with VTK (pdf handout from workshop)
FlowVR: Overview
There is some code in the VTK base that uses TCL/TK. I like to use the ActiveTcl, for a nice easy setup...
Tcl/Tk Software
TVTK - Enthought Trac - Trac - TVTK objects wrap around VTK objects but additionally support Traits, support Numeric/numarray/scipy arrays transparently and provide a convenient Pythonic API.
VTKWikiExamples - Gitorious
Main Page - InfovisWiki - Titan Informatics Toolkit is a collaborative effort between Sandia National Laboratories and Kitware Inc.
Titan: File List - titan doxy docs
Yes, it should be on its own page, but.... it's here.
ITK: enabling reproducible research and open science
The Kitware Blog - ITK 4.6.0 has been released! - oh the wondrous pace of open code; Skull stripper, Registrationv4, more code coverage (>84%), bug fixes, and examples!
As part of the refactoring of ITKv4, a new testing workflow was added to ITK to enable the testing of patches submitted by the community to the code review system Gerrit. This new system of testing patches works in a distributed way and it is referred to as 'cdash@home'.
ITKWikiExamples - Gitorious
ITK/Examples - KitwarePublic - fully independent, compilable examples
Overview — ITK Examples
SimpleITK - KitwarePublic
SimpleITK/SimpleITK-Notebooks - IPython Notebook Viewer - A Simple way to share your IP[y]thon Notebook as Gists. Share your own notebook, or browse others'
2013 Project Week Breakout Session: SimpleITK - NAMIC
First things first; a dashboard. Slicer/DashboardScripts get up on dat CDash - Slicer4
Documentation/Nightly/Developers/Tutorials/DashboardSetup - SlicerWiki
Documentation/4.2/Training - SlicerWiki
Documentation/Nightly/Developers/Tutorials/DashboardSetup - SlicerWiki
Change I130424d7: WIP: Add cotire to improve build speed. | review.source Code Review - u can try cotire support in ITK TIK_USE_COTIRE, thanks Matt!
Insight Journal (ISSN 2327-770X) - A Skull-Stripping Filter for ITK - open journal, open code, open science. if you will it; it is no dream. go forth and strip skulls!
CMake - KitwarePublic Wiki
Cross Platform Test Driven Development Environment Using CMake (Part 1)-
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
sakra/cotire - Cotire (compile time reducer) is a CMake module that speeds up the build process of CMake based build systems by fully automating techniques as precompiled header usage and single compilation unit builds for C and C++.
CDash || testing with CDash
CTest is a testing tool distributed as a part of CMake. It can be used to automate updating code, configuring, building, testing, performing memory checking, performing coverage, and submitting results to a CDash or Dart dashboard system. - CDash - CDash, two dashboards separate accounts.
ITK/Git/Dashboard - KitwarePublic ITK/Testing - KitwarePublic CMake/Git/Dashboard - KitwarePublic
The ctest client is setup the same for many of the projects; cloning the dashboard branch from each of the git repo's provides the basic files needed to ctest your way to dashboard report submission -- contribute and collaborate with the world on software that matters.
CMake - Cross Platform Make - Download release or CMake/Git - build yer own
git clone git://
cd cmake;
make; make install;
that gets you cmake and ctest. huzah. now on to the dashboard branch for testing...
mkdir -p ~/Dashboards/CMakeScripts
cd ~/Dashboards/CMakeScripts
git init
git remote add -t dashboard origin git://
git pull origin
ctest -S ~/Dashboards/CMakeScripts/my_dashboard.cmake -V
or if you're already got master aka "git checkout -b master origin/master"; you can use "git checkout -b dashboard origin/dashboard" to switch to the dashboard scripts. if they are using the conventions used by most.
VTK/Dashboard how to - KitwarePublic
CMake Scripting Of CTest - KitwarePublic
CMake/Testing With CTest - KitwarePublic - talks about simple ctest test, ctest being fully compatable with Dart submissions, advanced Ctest alternative upload methods, dynamic testing.
Android Mobile VTK || VES
VES - KitwarePublic - VES is the VTK OpenGL ES Rendering Toolkit. It is a C++ rendering library for mobile devices using OpenGL ES 2.0.
KiwiViewer - KiwiViewer is a free, open-source visualization app for exploring scientific and medical datasets that runs on Android and iOS mobile devices with multi-touch interaction. KiwiViewer supports a variety of file formats, including obj, stl, ply, and vtk.
KiwiViewer - Android Apps on Google Play - KiwiViewer is powered by VTK (the Visualization Toolkit) and VES (the VTK OpenGL ES 2.0 Rendering Engine.)
VES/Developers Guide - KitwarePublic
The Kitware Blog - Configuring VES for Eclipse and ndk-build
Android tutorial App Building with VES and Kiwi from Kitware
ethanrublee/VTK-Android - VTK build scripts for android porting reqs. crystax ndk
The Kitware Blog - Bender 2.0 - watching the video is a rigging, skinning and posing techniques applied to volumes.
VTK/VTK 6 Migration Guide - KitwarePublic
OpenFOAM® - The Open Source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Toolbox
Git - GDCM Wiki - contains info for getting a GDCM dashboard going...
Issues on macosx with os/xcode upgrades
xcode-select --install # Install Command Line Tools if you haven't already.
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools # Enable command line tools
sudo xcodebuild -license
# if that doesn't work
sudo xcode-select --reset
Created: 2005-08-10 19:04:30
Modified: 2018-10-05 20:47:26