article in Tech
OpenCV - Computer vision from Intel
OpenCV is an open source vision library suitable for computer vision applications. An added benefit is that the library makes use of Intel's integrated performance primitives so it's optimized for Intel hardware. :)
I've used OpenCV for quite a few projects and I've been happy with the results. The api takes some time to get used to...but it is well worth it.
Also, it surprised me to see that 'opencv' is one of the more popular pages on my website. I'm not sure why this is. I can't say that this page the most content in the world. Maybe, it is helping people find the few opencv tutorials and papers...but who knows. Anyway, if you're in need of software development help, please let me know! I enjoy imaging and vision work. Thanks for stopping by!
MSOpenTech/opencv - build the opencv.sln using VS2012 or VS2013; MSOpenTech support for OpenCV WinRT
The OpenCV CVS url is: opencv
A good tutorial for linux based machines can be found here: A BEGINNER'S TUTORIAL by JERÂ?OME LANDRE.
Leeds Guide To OpenCV - Installing OpenCV with ffmpeg
A good tutorial on using OpenCV can be found below, a little windows build specific but good for starters.
A OpenCV tutorial by Robert Laganière
Lagniere's research group is also doing some very nice projects.
A little background on the Hough Transform
Look on google/yahoo for ICCV(international conference on computer vision) and ECCV (European conference on computer vision) and you'll find some very good papers on computer vision.
The very first publication about OpenCV was: Intel's Computer Vision Library: Applications in Calibration, Stereo, Segmentation, Tracking, Gesture, Face and Object Recognition.
The latest one is Latest
A wonderful paper on:
Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints
David Stavens' sample application and presentation on how to do optical flow using the OpenCV framework. The great part is it also is a great example of how to read and write video files. Computing Optical Flow
Course work from Leandro Augusto Loss.
Face Recognition || Face Detection || Face Finder
Discriminant Learning for Face Recognition
Which Painting Do You Look Like? Comparing Faces Using Python and OpenCV ? Terence Eden's Blog
Papers that use OpenCV
Computer Vision in Microassembly Workstation
Introduction to programming with OpenCV
Building OpenCV from CVS
I'm a firm believer in code management through code revisioning... so I like to develop on the trunk.
To checkout the opencv library, check out the code using the pserver (why haven't we switched to SVN?!): open
Mac OS X OpenCV Port
If you use the above information, you might want to add the following to your environment so that you can use the pkg-config.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
OpenCV on Mac OS X
Project EyeFinder
Python OpenCV wrapper using ctypes Intelligent Screen Saver - opencv used from .net wrapper.
Building directshow portion of OpenCV
Make sure to install the Windows SDK (not old platform SDK).
Build "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow\dshowsamples.sln" for debug and release.
Add "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow\BaseClasses" to your global include path.
Add "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow\BaseClasses\Debug" and "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow\BaseClasses\Release" to your global library path.
If you get an error: "syntax error : identifier 'CAMSchedule'" is has to do with search order and precedence. Move your include path for the sample above the normal SDK include path.
Re: Base classes compile problem with Vista SDK - MSDN Forums
Then, you might also get some errors on the gl\glaux.h include, this file was removed from the Windows used to be in the platform SDK. Comment it out, it should compile file.
Tutorial: OpenCV haartraining (Rapid Object Detection With A Cascade of Boosted Classifiers Based on Haar-like Features) - Naotoshi Seo
Urtho's face detection & normalization project
HCI/ComS 575x: Computational Perception, Spring 2007
Main Page - Emgu CV: OpenCV in .NET (C#, VB, C++ and more)
How cool is that...someone got opencv statically built and working on the iphone. Great, the xcode project just worked for me! ;)
niw's iphone_opencv_test at master - GitHub
OpenCV – Computer Vision Study Group. « Someoneknows
Capture Video with OpenCV and VideoInput (Windows only) | Rodrigo's Blog
Start coding with OpenCV and VS2010 in no time | Rodrigo's Blog
The COTBLEDTCID approach to object detection and pose estimation, Part I – Preface | Rodrigo's Blog
The COTBLEDTCID approach to object detection and pose estimation, Part V – Circles detection | Rodrigo's Blog
Physical Face Following with OpenCV on Android | Robotics / Electronics / Physical Computing
jayrambhia/Install-OpenCV · GitHub - shell scripts to install different version of OpenCV in different distributions of Linux
sightmachine/SimpleCV · GitHub
wg-perception/libmv The multi-view reconstruction library (*LIBMV NOW BLENDER'S MATCHMOVING BACKEND!)
libmv - a structure from motion library - Google Project Hosting
wg-perception/sim - VTK camera simulator useful for ground truth data generation
thisismyrobot: Hand isolation in OpenCV
Tips: Motion Detection using OpenCV
kylemcdonald/ofxCv - Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.
kylemcdonald/FaceTracker - Real time deformable face tracking in C++ with OpenCV 2.
kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker - ASM face tracking addon based on Jason Saragih's FaceTracker.
OpenCV – convert projection matrix to maps | welcome to the world of...
openalpr/openalpr: Automatic License Plate Recognition library
Created: 2005-05-09 00:55:42
Modified: 2016-03-03 00:51:21