article in Tech
Java - yet another coffee bean.
Java is a good programming language. It has a large ecosystem and history. Consoles, Applets SWING & AWT & Native, SWIG to legacy,JNI to legacy,text editors,build agents, ,TomCat,wse,started hibernate,Jboss,servlets and jsp, android applications, embedded android micro-controllers. many uses.
Virtual machine. JIT. Sandboxes. Security. Ownership of language&api, licensing/distribution rights.
JNI - Java Native Interface
jnigen ยท libgdx/libgdx Wiki - jnigen is a small library that can be used with or without libgdx which allows C/C++ code to be written inline with Java source code. This increases the locality of code that conceptually belongs together (the Java native class methods and the actual implementation) and makes refactoring a lot easier compared to the usual JNI workflow.
Java Native Interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maven - Welcome to Apache Maven
Maven - Maven in 5 Minutes
Maven: The Complete Reference - Table of Contents -
Build Maven Project Without Running Unit Tests - Stack Overflow - -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Maven Release plugin - Introduction
atlassian / Maven JGitFlow Plugin / wiki / Home โ Bitbucket
Maven Git Flow Plugin for Better Releases - Atlassian Blogs
Apache Ant - Welcome
I've moved my eclipse information on a separate page...Eclipse - open source extensible IDE.
Eclipse Java Workflow Tooling (JWT)
Misc web resources
Sanjiv Jivan's Blog - Difference between ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError
How to build the code for
Thinking in Patterns with Java
by Bruce Eckel
P3ML: An XML dialect for building branded user interfaces
Home - AppFuse 2 - Confluence
Google Web Toolkit Downloads - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code
Grails - Download Grails - Grails naturally complements Java application development since it is built on Spring and based on Groovy, the leading dynamic language for the Java platform.
Apache Tapestry - Welcome to Tapestry
Play framework ? Home
IKVM.NET is an implementation of Java for Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework.
Tomcat - Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages
Apache Tomcat - Apache Tomcat
JSF - JavaServer Faces APIs
JavaServer Faces Technology
RichFaces - Open Source Rich JSF Components - Ajax Push - RichFaces demo
Project Matrix - JBoss Community
Drools - JBoss Community - Drools - The Business Logic integration Platform
droolsjbpm/kie-wb-distributions - Drools & jBPM Workbench Distributions
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Apache Camel is an integration framework whose main goal is to make integration
Apache Camel - define routing and mediation rules in a variety of domain-specific languages, including a Java-based Fluent API, Spring or Blueprint XML Configuration files, and a Scala DSL.
Manning: Camel in Action
camelinaction - Camel in Action Source Code - Google Project Hosting
Fuse IDE
Red Hat | Red Hat JBoss A-MQ
Red Hat | JBoss Fuse
Struts is based on the Model 2 approach, a controlling servlet and JSP tags for presentation.
ActionServlet,ActionForwards,ActionForms,ActionMapping,Action classes.
Using the Validator Framework with Struts - O'Reilly Media
The Struts User's Guide - Validator Guide
Struts 1 - Welcome
Struts 2 - Welcome
Struts Error Highlighting
Stendhal and Arianne
Stendhal is a fully fledged multiplayer online adventures game (MMORPG) developed using the Arianne game development system.
Development โ Stendhal MMORPG
Discover why Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise Edition is the commercial open source alternative to reduce your business costs.
Apache Lucene - Overview - Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform.
Persevere - SitePen, Inc. - The Persevere Server is an object storage engine and application server (running on Java/Rhino) that provides persistent data storage of dynamic JSON data in an interactive server side JavaScript environment
persevere-framework - Project Hosting on Google Code
Logging frameworks
Java Code Geeks: 10 Tips for Proper Application Logging
Logback Home - Logback is intended as a successor to the popular log4j project, picking up where log4j leaves off.
SLF4J - The Simple Logging Facade for Java or (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks, e.g. java.util.logging, log4j and logback, allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time.
Perf4J 0.9.13 - Home
Other languages on the JVM || Groovy || Clojure
Groovy - Home
Clojure - home - Clojure is a dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine (and the CLR ).
functional-koans/clojure-koans - GitHub - A set of exercises for learning Clojure
talios/clojure-maven-plugin - Apache Maven Mojo for compiling clojure scripts to class files
How to use Maven to build Clojure code
nathanmarz/cascalog - Cascalog is a fully-featured data processing and querying library for Clojure or Java. The main use cases for Cascalog are processing "Big Data" on top of Hadoop or doing analysis on your local computer. Cascalog is a replacement for tools like Pig, Hive, and Cascading and operates at a significantly higher level of abstraction than those tools.
Apache Lucene || Apache Solr || ManifoldCF
Apache Lucene - Apache Solr
Welcome to Apache ManifoldCF! - connecting source content repositories like Microsoft Sharepoint and EMC Documentum, to target repositories or indexes, such as Apache Solr, Open Search Server, or ElasticSearch. Apache ManifoldCF also defines a security model for target repositories that permits them to enforce source-repository security policies.
Alfresco + Apache ManifoldCF + ElasticSearch: Part 1 โ Mass Nerder
Manning: ManifoldCF in Action
Kotlin Programming Language
jBPM - Open Source Business Process Management - Process engine - Eclipse-based and web-based editor to support the graphical creation of your business processes
Created: 2006-03-16 17:59:45
Modified: 2016-04-18 17:57:49