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article in Tech biology-math-science

Digital Microscopy

The days are nearing when I will be able to afford a multi-spectral CCD/CMOS scope with fluorescence filters.

The art of real life is amazing, the pictures that people take today of the smallest cell interactions rival that of the most gifted artist.

What will we be able to glean from the new fluorescent datasets we collect?
You've heard the old saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words"?

Computers have revamped that statement to something more. A computer can look at a picture in many ways we can not. It can view the picture in any digitial representation it wants. Our computers are not just digital machines anymore, computers are a mixed signal entity. Many microcontrollers these days have integrated these mixed signal capabilities.

Q Imaging This is because we are 3d bodies small cosmic forces we bear witness to every time a picture is imaged on the surface. It is fun to look at other data people collect using fluorescent techniques.

Then there is the idea of living interfaces like this....Living interface
Created: 2006-10-16 10:26:08 Modified: 2014-09-17 02:57:06
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