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Joe Wise

I Love to Color by Joe Wise | Song | Free Music, Listen Now - Joe Wise, or someone has a myspace with show me your smile, epic of peanut butter & jelly, pockets, the gizzle back snookerhog, i love to color, dangling doris/big bloke music

I love to color

I love to color on myspace:
I Love to Color
Looking for the lyrics, you don't find it... except here. Thank you to the parents of Mikan for posting this!
Baby in the Bend: "I Love to Color"

"I Love to Color" by Joe Wise:
A color it’s a color and you know I love to color, you know I love to color
I love to color everything I see
Sometimes I like to color like I know it ought to be
But at one time or another I just use another color
And when I’m feeling real loose I color puce.

Puce? What is a puce? I don’t know? Isn’t something you put on a sore? I don’t know.

but I like red…She likes red. Yeah…we like red
Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red
Red is for the Rooster’s head
The farmer’s roof my grandma’s spread
Red is for a nose that’s cold
Or guys along Old Santa’s sled

A color it’s a color and you know I love to color, you know I love to color
I love to color everything I see
Sometimes I like to color like I know it ought to be
But at one time or another I just use another color
And when I’m feeling real loose I color puce.

Puce? What is a puce? I don’t know? Isn’t that what you sit on at Church?

I don’t know but I like green. He likes green. Yeah…we like green.
Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green
Green is for the alligator, monster’s feet and Oscar’s mother.
Green is for a face that’s sick and Peter Piper’s brother.

A color it’s a color and you know I love to color, you know I love to color
I love to color everything I see
Sometimes I like to color like I know it ought to be
But at one time or another I just use another color
And when I’m feeling real loose I color puse.

Puce? I don’t know what a puce is. Maybe when something stinks real bad.

I don’t know but I like brown. She likes brown. Yeah…we like brown.
Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown
Brown is for the mamma llama,
Susie’s hair and Fred’s pajamas.
Chocolate pudding, mud, and dirt and half the sand in Grand Bahaaamaaaaa.

A color it’s a color and you know I love to color, you know I love to color
I love to color everything I see
Sometimes I like to color like I know it ought to be
But at one time or another I just use another color
And when I’m feeling real loose, I color puse.
And when I’m feeling real down, I color brown.
And when I’m feeling real mean, I color green.
And when I am a sore head, I color red.

Yeah, but what’s puce? Yeah what is a puce anyway?

Puce, noun, one syllable, A dark red that is yellower and less strong than cranberry.
Paler and slightly yellower than average garnet, bluer less strong and slightly lighter than pomegranate, and bluer and paler than average wine.

Oh…so that’s a puce. Well we like puce.
You like puce?
Yeah, we like puce!
I thought you’d never ask.

Puce Puce Puce Puce Puce Puce Puce Puce
Puce is for old Bruce the Moose and
Doctor Suess and Mother Goose
And sprucing up some apple juice
And just really for whenever your just feeling loose.

To tell you the truth there’s been some underrating of puce in the last few centuries.
Some people actually have no use for puce but Bruce the Moose who I mentioned earlier and Doctor Suess and Mother Goose even the Great god Zeus all feel there’s no excuse for us not to produce and have more use for puce throughout the world.

Now I just happen to have a few ideas for how to spruce up puce.
To start with every caboose will be puce.
Then, containers of refuse
Actually I have an aunt that would look good in puce.
Now as far as fire trucks go maybe city council wouldshould be able to vote on the percentage of how many we're gonna do. you know, firetrucks, we have a psychic history, an emotional investment.

Show me your smile

Show Me Your Smile
Created: 2012-04-05 21:17:19 Modified: 2012-04-06 13:49:37
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