"hello world"
article in Tech random-technology

Charlieplexing and other esoteric LED drivers.

Basics: Picking Resistors for LEDs | Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

Charlieplexing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LED Cubes - Hacked Gadgets – DIY Tech Blog
Tom's Projects: The Charlie Cube
Tom's Projects: Musings on Charlieplexing

AS1130 LED Driver Product Training Module provided by Digi-Key and austriamicrosystems - tutorial over cross-plexing and multiplexing with focus on as1130.
Fun with Crossplexing – Adventure with AS1130 (Ideating) | Reverse Biased
Using the msp430g2553 TI Launchpad to control an RGB led. | Creative Finance, Electrical Engineering, and Other Cool Stuff

POV Persistence of Vision

Spoke Ink - Persistance of Vision for your Bike - MSP430™ Microcontroller Projects - Microcontroller Projects - TI E2E Community


OctoWS2811 LED Library, Driving Hundreds to Thousands of WS2811 LEDs with Teensy 3.0
Created: 2012-10-07 17:53:01 Modified: 2015-12-17 03:08:37
/root sections/
>peach custard pie
>random tech

moon and stars

My brain

Visible Dave Project

\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & \vdots \\ \vdots & 0 & \ddots & 0\\ 0 & \ldots & 0 & 1_{n} \end{bmatrix}